Thursday, October 23, 2008

reply all

I used the reply all button the other day when I wasn't supposed to. And it just so happened that I hit the reply all option while emailing my boss regarding a customer. Now you ask... which one wasn't supposed to see what? Because no matter how you slice it, it was just messy. And my boss got to witness my stupidity. Hitting reply all and including your customer when you are talking about said customer has to be one of the stupidest things a sales person can do. I admit, I've been a little tired lately and spaced out....

Hitting reply all by accident is like leaning over to whisper snide remarks out of the side of your neck about someone and realizing that you just made snide remarks TO the person you were talking ABOUT.

There is that moment when you realize.... O shit, I didn't did I? I had that moment. I only had it, though, when to my surprise my customer replied to the email!! With exclamation points and question marks and everything. I didn't realize that I emailed my customer my conversation ABOUT the customer until the customer emailed me back.


Anybody have any good "reply all" stories to make me feel better?


christina said...

My friend Kirk, once used Reply ALl to tell me about a party. He said all sorts of embarrassing things about a girl he liked, how much he was gonna drink, and stuff like that. He copied the entire company--including the super-honcho boss no one ever spoke to because he was like the King and the dudes in teh mail room. It was his second day of work. And the King used Reply All to tell him his behavior was unprofessional. That was 15 years ago and I can still send him into a sweat by reminding him of it.

Christine said...

ooh! I've got one. I didn't do it though, a relative did. My great aunt, meaning to email my aunt, regarding my mother: "Do you think she's so mean because she drinks so much?" It went to the whole family and it was hysterical. She hit the nail on the head. lol